

[jpn] foollovers: graphics

earthbound battle bgs: render gifs of battle backs from mother2/eb


emojibankrepository: tumblr for emojibank repuloads

gifcities: classic oldweb gifs from geocities archives

oldnettreasures: tumblr for old net graphics

pinkcorepng: tumblr for pink/girly graphics

oldwebgif: tumblr for more old web gifs

lostsozai: lots of archived pxls, kinda hard to view

web design

w3schools: html everything!

mf2fm: javascript tools

imagecolorpicker:color pick from an image

onlinewebfonts:fonts with code included

youtubers i watch

alphabetagamer: no commentary horror playthroughs

degrassi: watch every iteration of degrassi

looplicator: weird loops

myspace music archive: self explanitory

nohluhn: amazing edits in the style of frutiger metro

reicheru ketsuekineko: watch blood raining night

fun stuff

kittens game: a text based browser game about raising a village of kittens (also has a great mobile game)

candybox2: an ascii adventure about getting candies, with a twist my favorite place for mario 64 rom hacks

gaiaonline: thee defacto online avatar dressup thats been around since the 2000s add meh

